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Internship programme at Swedavia leads to job faster

2018-02-01, kl. 14:00

It currently takes five to ten years for a university graduate recently arrived in Sweden to get a job in the country. The internship programme Jobbsprånget, run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, has developed in a short time into a much faster means for this group to find a position in the labour market. Swedavia participates actively in this programme.

It currently takes five to ten years for a university graduate recently arrived in Sweden to get a job in the country (according to a report published by the Swedish Confederation of Swedish Enterprise, Utbildningsfällan, or ‘The Education Trap’). The internship programme Jobbsprånget, run by the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, has in a short time developed  into a much faster means for this group to find a position in the labour market. Swedavia participates actively in this programme.

Since 2017, Swedavia has actively participated in the internship programme Jobbsprånget, run by the Swedish Royal Academy of Engineering Sciences, which was created to improve the efficiency of the process of getting recent arrivals in Sweden to enter the labour market more quickly.

“A lack of language skills and experience is always a disadvantage for people recently arrived in Sweden, even if the person in question has the right education. Doing an internship is a good way to take the first step into the labour market, and it has been a positive experience for me,” says Cristina Varela, an engineer in sustainable energy, one of four people hired at Swedavia after completing an internship at the company.

One key to the programme’s good results is that it makes it easier for employers to take on university graduates who recently arrived in Sweden. At the same time, the internship programme matches employers’ needs for skills and experience with newly arrived engineers, architects, scientists and economists. Today, more than 150 employers at 45 locations in Sweden take part. The programme creates new contacts, conditions for validating skills and opportunities to fill the skills gap with resources for people who are outside the labour market.

“We are talking about five months instead of five to ten years for entering the labour market. With this programme, there is a preparatory process of one month followed by a four-month internship which in many cases leads to a job,” says Alexandra Ridderstad, head of operations for Jobbsprånget.

So far, about 200 recently arrived university graduates have completed the internship programme, which is adapted depending on the participant’s experience and level of university studies. The results of a survey conducted by Jobbsprånget showed that seven out of ten participants moved on to a job after their internship.

This model has been highlighted by both the Swedish state and the business community. In the autumn budget this year, Jobbsprånget was allocated 55 million kronor by the government and has also received substantial funding from the Wallenberg foundations.

“It is important to contribute to integration. It is great to see how Cristina has grown so much in the time she has been with us. Her language skills have really advanced, and she has shown how her professional qualifications really meet our needs,” notes Anna-Märta Jander, head of Business Development at Swedavia Energy and Cristina Varela’s supervisor.

Swedavia works actively with sustainable development, placing great focus on corporate social responsibility and diversity and on being an inclusive workplace. Swedavia shall be an attractive employer distinguished by its pride, sound business practices and employee job satisfaction along with a welcoming atmosphere. Active diversity work enhances Swedavia’s business opportunities and contributes to the long-term supply of talent.

Issam Keseby from Swedavia was interviewed in Morgonstudion SVT 2018-02-01 about his experiences of Jobbsprånget. Please see the appearance here.

For further information, please contact Swedavia’s press office at +46 (0)10-109 01 00 or press@swedavia.se