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Swedavia joins the Fly Green Fund

2015-02-05, kl. 09:18

The Swedish airport operator Swedavia increases its commitment to decrease fossil CO2 emissions and its work for an aviation industry with decreased environmental impact. Swedavia will now be the first airport operator in the Nordic countries to join the Fly Green Fund.

The Swedish airport operator Swedavia increases its commitment to decrease fossil CO2 emissions and its work for an aviation industry with decreased environmental impact. Swedavia will now be the first airport operator in the Nordic countries to join the Fly Green Fund.

Swedavia actively supports the development of bio jet fuels in the Nordic countries and the access to bio jet fuels at Swedavia’s ten airports in Sweden.

– The cooperation is a natural step for Swedavia in our long-term work to decrease our own environmental impact. We want to be in the forefront by taking action, which we do by joining the Fly Green Fund where we can take part in kick-starting the market for bio jet fuels in the Nordic countries. At the same time, this is a part of Swedavia taking long-term responsibility by supporting research and development of bio jet fuels in the Nordic countries says Lena Wennberg, Sustainability and Environmental Manager, Swedavia.

The Fly Green Fund is a Nordic initiative (initiated by Karlstad Airport and SkyNRG) that gives companies and organisations the opportunity to decrease their environmental impact by flying on bio jet fuel and has the aim to kick-start the market for bio jet fuel flights in the Nordic countries. This is achieved through co-funding the extra costs currently existing for bio jet fuels, relative to fossil fuels. Furthermore, the fund will support the development of sustainable bio jet fuel production from Nordic forestry residues and wastes.

– We are proud and happy that Swedavia is now part of the Fly Green Fund. This increases our chances to reach our target of a 20 per cent blend of bio jet fuel in all flights by 2020 from Nordic airports. To achieve that, we need strong players such as Swedavia on board, says Maria Fiskerud, Director Nordic, SkyNRG.

Contacts: Swedavia Suvi Häkkinen, Assistant Sustainability and Environmental Manager, +46 10 109 0356, SkyNRG Maria Fiskerud, Director Nordic +46 70 607 1161

About SkyNRG

It's SkyNRG's mission to create a sustainable future for aviation through actively developing the market for sustainable jet fuel. Short term, the company is executing this mission via co-funded green routes and long term via developing BioPorts. Bioports are regional supply chains that offer a real sustainable and affordable alternative to fossil fuels. SkyNRG is supported by its leading global sustainability and technology board. SkyNRG is the world’s market leader for bio jet fuel, supplying more than 20 airlines worldwide.