Statement of the CEO
" Through strong collaborations, hard work, long-term investments, and a clear vision, we create the conditions for travel and transport, both today and in the future. "
Jonas Abrahamsson
In 2024, Swedavia continued its journey towards the sustainable aviation of the future. With growing passenger flows, key climate initiatives and a strengthened infrastructure, we help make Sweden accessible and competitive.
During the year, over 32 million passengers travelled via our ten airports, which is an increase of one per cent compared with 2023. This increase was driven by international travel, which rose by five per cent to a total of 24 million passengers. This development reflects the continued growth in demand for international air travel that connects Sweden with the world.
Fossil-free airports for the sustainable aviation of the future
Since it was formed in 2010, Swedavia has worked to reduce the fossil carbon dioxide emissions and other negative impact on the environment at and around its airports. In 2020, the target of zero fossil carbon dioxide emissions from own airport operations was achieved. During the year, Swedavia has intensified its efforts to achieve the target of ensuring that aviation-related operations at the airports will be fossil-free by 2025.

External factors and trends
The outside world is complex, fast-moving and uncertain. New generations are putting their stamp on travel, consumption and working life. Parallel to this, there is exponential technological development that has the potential to improve our lives, while at the same time bringing risks. We are in a period of transition, involving major upheavals due to global crises. These include an escalating climate crisis and a serious security situation. Democracies are being challenged by authoritarian values and there is major geopolitical friction. These crises also impact on each other, making it difficult to predict the changes that are coming. Swedavia has identified seven trends that particularly affect the aviation industry and our operations.

Airport Operations and Real Estate constitute the two operating segments. Together with its customers and partners, Swedavia enables people to meet.
Swedavia creates connectivity and contributes to a competitive Swedish tourism industry. This is how value is created, for customers and society as a whole.